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John 3:16 -- I Got You

On December 2, 2015, a California public health department held a training event and holiday party in San Bernardino, CA for its employees.  Unknown to everyone in attendance, one of its own employees and his wife had plans to transform the party into a terrorist attack.  As a result of the havoc the couple wreaked on the attendees, 14 were killed and 22 were seriously injured.

A few days later on the morning news, a survivor of the San Bernardino terrorist shooting shared how a friend/co-worker shielded and protected her from the flying bullets that had erupted during what was supposed to be a happy, celebratory occasion.  Despite the noise and chaos that surrounded them, she heard her friend say, “I got you,” as he held her close.  Yes, he did have her.  She survived.  He didn’t.

As a person who celebrates “Christmas,” not “Xmas,” I couldn’t help but apply the sentiment “I got you” to the message found in the most well-known Scripture, John 3:16.  In that verse, God expresses His love for all mankind and His provision of eternal life to anyone who believes on His Son, Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, many people put all their focus on living in the present, ignoring that an eternity of protection is needed beyond the physical realm. God proved His love for us by sending His only Son into this world as a baby, solely for the purpose of shielding and protecting us from the chaos of a horrible afterlife by giving up His life for us.  For you. That’s why the message of John 3:16 in today’s vernacular could translate, “I got you.”  


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