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Is That Enough?  Part II

The purpose of the first “Is that Enough?” article was to deal primarily with my contentment of being in the presence of the Lord vs. “Wouldn’t it be better if He would speak to me?” While I agreed that being the recipient of His spoken word would be absolutely wonderful, a great deal of my article focused on the unlikelihood of that happening, so yes, I am content to enjoy being in the presence of His company. After all, there’s no sense dwelling on something that is not likely to happen.

However, it wasn’t my intent to disparage the idea of having a personal relationship with the Lord just because I didn’t expect to hear spoken-out-loud words from Him. I am a huge “personal relationship with God” card carrier and I repeatedly use that phrase in nearly every lesson I teach and article I write. I believe in it wholeheartedly. For me, it’s personal, and not a popular catch phrase that I use because everybody else is using it. I believe in that concept with every molecule of my being.

Just because communication with God is not in an audible voice we can hear with our ears, it doesn’t mean that communication isn’t taking place, or that it isn’t intimate.

Let’s go back to the illustration of my friend and her husband riding around in the car. Yes, having a two-way dialogue is great, but there are also times when you might ride around without the need for conversation. Just because no talking is going on, does that make your relationship with someone special any less intimate? Or that there is only a “relationship” going on when someone is talking? Sometimes it’s in the silence that you can be cloaked in contentment and peace, and be comfortable in just being in each other’s company.

Even in the silence, communication is still taking place. For example, being together with no words spoken communicates: “Regardless of all the things that I could be doing, being here with you is what I want to be doing right now.” “I’d rather be here with you than anywhere else in the world.” “I enjoy your company.” “I feel safe with you.” “Our relationship is so real, and so genuine we don’t need words to prove it.”

When you’re in the presence of someone you’re not close to, silence can be construed as “being bored,” or “having nothing to talk about” or “having nothing in common.” When you’re in the presence of someone you are close to, silence can sometimes be construed as a common bond, a sense of camaraderie, and an intimacy that talking isn’t necessary. Sometimes spoken words can actually banish the intimacy felt between lovers.

Another comparison I want to make about relationships is the little things that one does for another that says “You are special,” “You matter to me,” or “I love you.” When you cook a meal, a special food or a treat that your spouse or child knows you made especially for them, they are receiving a type of that communication from you. When they say “thank you” for some small thing that you do for them, they recognize you were treating them with respect and consideration. When you allow your spouse to watch a television program he/she prefers over the one you’d prefer watching, that’s communicating that you are putting his/her wants and wishes above yours. You’re communicating respect for who he/she is in your life. Your tone of voice, your body language….every aspect of how you portray your thoughts and feelings…communicates something to the recipient of your actions. The motivation behind your actions is the personal relationship you have with them, otherwise, you probably wouldn’t bother going out of your way to perform these special acts of kindness.

The reverse side of that is when you are the recipient of something that makes you feel loved. For instance, your significant other calls and tells you not to fix dinner because he/she is treating you to dinner. Your daughter tells you she’ll clean up the kitchen, you go relax. Or; your grandson brings you a flower from the yard and tells you he loves you. If there wasn’t the belief a personal relationship existed, these little special touches wouldn’t happen, or even matter.

During the course of my day, that’s how I portray communication from the Lord. When I receive benefits and little touches in my life, I prefer to see them as blessings from the Lord and a touch from Him, rather than just seeing them as coincidences or with the attitude, “that’s just life!” For instance, I constantly work on the habit of thanking the Lord in all things. And, I have found that regardless of how insignificant the matter is I’m thanking Him for, it gives me a sense that He cares about me (like you doing those little things for your family to show that you care for them).

Granted, I know that the Lord does not sit in heaven and orchestrate which traffic light I should catch green, or which ones I should catch red. But when I come to a light that turns green just in time for me to pass through it without having to stop and wait, I thank Him for that. When I find a great parking spot at Wal-Mart, I thank Him for it. When I make it into the house just before the sky unleashes the rain, I thank the Lord for it. When a car nearly hits me, but I safely go on my way, I thank the Lord for it.

If a spiritual application jumps out at me when I hear a message or while I’m doing my Bible reading, I feel personally spoken to by the Holy Spirit, and I thank Him for it. When I suddenly remember something in the grocery store that I forgot to put on my list, I thank the Holy Spirit for reminding me of that item. As I’m leaving for work in the morning and remember something I wanted to take with me, I thank the Holy Spirit for bringing that item to my mind.

What I’m trying to say is, if I didn’t see dozens of little happenings throughout the day as something for which I can thank the Lord, then I could end my day never feeling anything personal transpired between Him and me. If that happened day after day, I would question whether there was anything personal about our relationship. But when I thank Him for all the little insignificant, as well as the significant things going on in my life, I feel personally touched by God Himself throughout the day. And, just the exercise of doing that draws me closer to Him.

It would be equivalent to my husband calling me on the phone throughout the day to tell me he loves me, or he’s thinking about me. But even though I don’t expect verbal words from the Lord, I hear (or sense) that He loves me through each act of kindness for which I thank Him. So when I talk to someone about the wonderful, personal relationship they can have with the Lord, it’s this type of intimacy to which I’m referring. It goes beyond verbal communication. It’s that sense of Him walking alongside me throughout the day, or sitting in the car seat next to me, of feeling that I am constantly touched by His caring and His love. He knows and understands every thought I have, every joy and hurt feeling, and every emotion I experience better than anyone else in this universe. And, unlike a best friend, spouse or child, His love is unconditional and is never dependent on anything I do or don’t do.


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