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The Value of Object Lessons

Since visual learners make up about 65% of the population, it’s important that your teaching styles and Bible study presentations incorporate ways to engage visual learners. That’s why object lessons can be so effective. They can be used simply to introduce a topic of study, or they can be used as your entire lesson. Either way, you’re providing your visual learners, as well as your entire audience, a more effectual learning opportunity.

However, let me give you a warning. If you’re serious about using object lessons, you will have to be willing to do the work to develop them. Some can be very simple, such as What’s In The Bag, but some can require hours of preparation for a half hour presentation. I realize that lecture-style teaching can also require hours of research and preparation, but if 65% of your class has a difficult time absorbing or recalling what you taught because your methods only reached out to the auditory learners, have you really made the best use of your teaching time?

We have the greatest example of creativity in our Creator. When we’re told in Philippians 2:5 to “let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,” surely that was a directive that included having a creative mind. If we say we’re not creative, we might as well say we don’t have the mind of Christ, and we dismiss the Holy Spirit’s ability and work within us.

Since I’m a visual learner myself, I’m a firm believer in object lessons and I use them quite frequently. I particularly love those “light bulb” moments when an idea for one jumps into my mind out of nowhere. That’s the Holy Spirit at work! To get you started, I’ve shared a few object lessons with you that I have used numerous times and feel confident about passing onto my readers. It is my hope and prayer that my experiences, which will soon become yours, will be a gift of encouragement to you.

I challenge you to let the Holy Spirit develop His creativity in you. You’ll be surprised and blessed by how easily ideas will come to you as you strive to let the mind of Christ Jesus rule and reign in your life.

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